
Archive for December 29th, 2007

 “The magical dust of Christmas glittered on the cheeks of all humanity ever so breifly, reminding us of what is worth having and what we were intended to be.”

(God Came Near-Max Lucado)

Who else thinks Christmas was over to quickly! I barely had time to stop and enjoy it! I’m serious-maybe i just wasn’t ready for it so it didn’t seem to take forever to get here. Even the “feirtog’n” flew by unless it was the good sermons at church (smile). OF COURSE I LISTEN! OK, so what did you get-I’m not telling. Yea, christmas shouldn’t be about the presents so i spent a lot of time trying to be nice (kidding) and singing and all that good stuff that should be the main part/reason for Christmas. Of course I’d never forget the real meaning but sometimes we get so caught up in the stress and preparation we forget to breath in the beauty of the holiday. Oh well…. I’ll try better next year (wink). Anyhow, it’s over, and I’m sad….or am I?

ok so today i was cooking togwies…. Don’t you despise it when you seond the whole day preapring a meal for people and they come in and turn up their noses…GRRRRRR they need to go to Nigera and eat bugs for a year. So we have speggethi & meatballs/garlic bread/stir-fryed stringbeans etc for dinner and for supper we had a ham sandwhich/ two kinds of salads/tomatoes/cheese/vegetable soup/ and pitas filled with lettuce and other salad condiments…. now tell me, isn’t that ENOUGH? Gosh, u could make them a steak every day and they still wouldn’t be “zufrienden”… Ok, I’m done ranting now… I’m just tired. Ehs olles gooder, ni-et?

OK i’ll try and add some pics, who knows if I’ll have the patience to resize them. 😦


Christmas Baking


Dad laughing his head off at “schput” present


What a mess eh, was so much fun!

& that’s it for now folks…more on the next blog. L8rs



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